🎯 Mission

<aside> 🚀 Experiment new ways to bring people together. OpenToDate (OTD) is on a forefront to create a unique space for singles to meet partners. We believe OpenToDate as a platform will enable singles to be in their element and find genuine people who are seeking a relationship.


🧐 About us

OpenToDate is a new age matchmaking app. We believe in bringing the human element back to dating. Lot of traditional dating apps lack this simple notion. Profiles just fly around with zero emphasis on the single. We are all about creating value in each profile, and making it both easy and difficult for you to approve and reject. At OpenToDate you will only find personally curated profiles. Our goal is to create a safe space for singles to meet and help nurture a strong relationship.

🤩 Meet our Team


<aside> 👨🏾‍💻 Abhishek CXO A ****Design Entrepreneur with 7+ years of experience who’s passionate about creating experiences for long lasting impact. At OpenToDate, Abhishek leads the Product Design team and does everything around design. If he’s not working you’ll find him running on streets, listening to podcasts, and writing/recording content for his audience.
